Episode 9: Preproduction with Beth James
We explore the role of a Director in a community production up to the point of auditions
I’m joined by Beth James, Director of the upcoming production of 9-5 at the Gaslight-Baker in Lockhart. We discuss everything a Director undertakes prior to auditions, both in general and in particular for this production, for I’ll be serving as co-Music Director. We also touch on Directorial philosophy, dramaturgy, and the overlap between modern psychotherapy and an ethical production environment.
For those in Central Texas and listening close to this episode’s release date, 9-5 auditions are being held March 8 and 9 at the Gaslight-Baker. You can find details here: http://mygbt.org/
Or, email Beth directly at bethannejames91@gmail.com to reserved an audition time. Follow the show:
https://www.facebook.com/communityoftheatre Email the show: communityoftheater@gmail.com Follow the host: https://twitter.com/DerekSmootz